Frequently Asked Questions About Family Dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions About Family Dentistry from GDC Smiles in Gainesville, GAOral health is important to one’s overall health. A family dentist can provide regular dental checkups, teeth cleanings, and restorative and preventive dental treatments. With such a broad range of services, patients tend to have many questions about family dentistry. In this article, we will answer the most frequently asked questions we hear at our family dental office.

Frequently asked questions

Is it necessary to floss?

Yes, patients should floss at least once daily to prevent tooth decay. Brushing is not enough, as a toothbrush cannot get into all the nooks and crannies where plaque and tartar may hide. Flossing also stimulates the gum tissue, helping to prevent tooth sensitivity and gum disease.

When should you go to the dentist for tooth sensitivity?

It is often okay to wait until the patient’s six-month checkup to ask the dentist about tooth sensitivity. However, if the issue is causing a lot of pain and discomfort (such as if the patient is experiencing toothaches and trouble eating), call a family dentist as soon as possible.

Sensitivity to hot and cold, pain while brushing, or trouble chewing could be signs of a larger issue. On the other hand, it may also signify the early stages of tooth decay, which is an easy fix; a simple teeth cleaning and fluoride treatment may provide much-needed pain relief.

Do cavity fillings hurt?

When done right, a filling should not hurt. There may be a sting when the dentist numbs the area, but they will use a numbing gel before injecting the local anesthetic to minimize any initial discomfort. Tell the dentist if the patient is nervous about the filling. Our team can make accommodations, such as ensuring the patient does not see the needle, giving a countdown for the injection, or letting the patient listen to music or use other distractions to avoid feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

How often should children visit the dentist?

Just like adults, children should visit the dentist every six months for a regular checkup and teeth cleaning. A family dentist will ensure that any issues are addressed early on, from tooth decay to any fear of the dentist. For instance, if a family dentist catches a cavity in its early stages, it may be filled without needing local anesthetic. The family dentist can also offer advice on children’s oral hygiene, helping parents set up their children for long-lasting oral health.

Our team strives to give the phrase “going to the dentist” a positive connotation by making our young patients as comfortable as possible. This often involves communicating clearly and taking breaks when necessary. Speak to our team to learn more.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?

Yes, children can safely get dental X-rays. Skipping X-rays is not recommended, as there is no evidence that they are unsafe. On the contrary, a full set of dental X-rays allows the dentist to ensure that the child's jawbone and teeth are developing properly.

A family dentist will use a protective shield to limit any radiation exposure. Please keep in mind that the level of radiation associated with dental X-rays is minimal. There are also small bite wing tabs that can be used to make the process more comfortable for children.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Gainesville, GA

Visit a family dentist near you

Family dentistry aims to improve the oral health of young children, teens, and adults. If you are looking for a dentist who will put your family first, give our team a call. We aim to help you and your family achieve lasting, healthy, and sparkling smiles.

Request an appointment or call GDC Smiles at 770-504-5725 for an appointment in our Gainesville office.

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